Friday, November 25, 2011
Measuring the Validity of Self as A Spiritual Leader
"... You are spiritual, must lead the people ... to the right path in the spirit of meekness ..." (Galatians 6:1 b).
A real leader, knew who he was, why he was there, where he was, where he will go, and what will be achieved. This confirms that the real truth, a leader must know what is causing it to exist and was and why he was there as a leader. This explains about some important questions, among others., First, what is the basis for the legitimacy of his leadership that gives him the authority and confidence to become leaders. The foundation of legitimacy which gives this authority as well as providing an indicator of the runway, the dynamics and direction of leadership of the organization he leads. Second, what is the motivation that led to his being in a place where he is now as a leader. This question is questioned about the value of role models who provide encouragement to the leader to realize its existence. Third, what is vision and mission of leadership that provides direction and tasks to be done to reach ideaslisme leadership. Affirm the truth of this leadership, a true pemipin must ensure that prime factors is the dynamic for its existence as a leader. Answering strands aspect that brings a person into a leader like this, La Rochefoucauld said: "The greatness of great men should always be measured from the way they use to achieve such greatness."
This statement confirms that the achievement of a legitimate leadership and is a great value when built on the truth of the underlying motives, traits, attitudes word, deed and the means used to be a leader. From a Christian perspective, a leader who is the spiritual leader must answer important questions such as: "Is its existence as a leader in tune with the will of God is true; Is leadership achieved with noble motivations as a true spiritual leader, and, What is preached in order to fight for his leadership of the great things for the interests of many people, which in essence is proving itself as a great leader. In an attempt to answer these questions in the future, then there are three things that will be dealt, among other things: 1. Build leadership on the will of God; 2. Strengthen leadership with great motivation as a spiritual leader, and 3. Proving leadership to fight for an inclusive big thing., Which will end with a reflection.
1. BUILDING LEADERSHIP IN THE DISCRETION OF GOD. The basis for proving the validity of himself a leader is to understand what is really God's will for self, household, and leadership. It is not easy to ensure and confirm what is called the will of God. For example, someone could be in the name of "God's will" impose its will over others, or act sneaky in order to achieve the objective to justify a variety of ways. In this connection it must be understood, that the will of God it is as certain as the nature of his sovereign, which can be said that if the Lord God wills something, then his will would have happened. Behold a statement like this is quite interesting to observe. First, we must learn to distinguish God's will and the will or human effort. The will of God that is in tune, and as surely as the same as His essence is, certainly, and should be the same with his peculiar nature, the righteous, all-holy, infinite justice, infinite wisdom, all-good, all-right, omniscient, omnipresent, all- wise, the real from His Word and His proven in action. Here can be asserted that because the will of God is perfect, then it must also be perfect fulfillment. Second, we also see from the other side, who relate to believe something as God's will and mematutkannya with human responsibility. Important questions to be answered is, the extent to which something called the will of God that can be distinguished from the attitude of let anything happen. Or to believe that something is the will of God then we are compelled to do what is believed to be the will of God, in the case, the big question arising is whether the true will of God that is in Him that in line with my actions? Even if I say that it is consistent, then the next question is, whether it is consistent, and what is the criterion? Because, lest I obtrude myself and take refuge behind the "will of God." Third, we also need to ensure what is called the will of God that the truth of the Word, the voice of conscience, legal factors, socio-economic justice, the noble social and cultural rights of individuals, households, community rights and the right organization. All this should be a consideration, because it involves other people and a lot of people who are human beings created by God, where we all have a moral responsibility inherent in the nature and image of ourselves as the noble Lord creation. Here we can say that the sovereign will of God must have done, but the important question to ask is, how it relates to me personally to respond? Do I believe that this is really the will of God? Does the Holy Spirit was to be in it? Do all this in harmony with the truth of the Word? Does my inner voice in harmony with the will of God, or because of a desire for power, keingian dominate, desire respected, the desire to be above others, I "twist the will of God"? Fourth, we need to ensure what is called the will of God, and the consequences that will be caused by what is termed as an action on behalf of the will of God itself. It is not easy to answer all these questions, because an action that is considered true by a person, not necessarily assumed to be true by others, so the action on behalf of the will of God even if God has not necessarily true. Fifth, we also have to distinguish what is real will of God is with decisions based system of democracy, legal system or legal system prifat positive or an act that is formal, which is often seen as an endorsement will of God. This point is very necessary to be listened to carefully by those who had good intentions, meant true and noble act with the will to let God's will occur in a responsible manner. In applying this truth about God's will, we are asked to respond wisely, both from the attitude of the heart, in mind, traits, attitudes and words and actions, so that we say the will of the Lord is truly His will is in harmony with His plan eternal. In this case, we need to hear the advice of Confucius (Confucius) who said, "Knowing what is good but not doing it is the worst cowardice." More than that, the Word of God asserted, "... .. anyone researching the perfect law, the law of liberty, and he persevered in it, so instead of just listening to forget, but really do it, he will be blessed by his deeds "(James 2:25). All of this should we sikapi with humility and a willingness to be obedient to the Lord God by remembering His firm asserts, "The things that are hidden to the Lord, our God, but the things revealed is for us and our children forever, so we do all the words that Turat law "(Deuteronomy 29:29). Well, the will of the Lord God remains an eternal mystery!
1. Confirm LEADERSHIP AS A LEADER WITH GREAT SPIRITUAL MOTIVATION. In an effort to confirm that I am and you are in the will of God is true, we must affirm our position as spiritual leader. Spiritual leader, is he who realizes that the Lord God for His mercy has called him to salvation. Spiritual leaders who are called by the Lord God will always try to put the will of God. Putting God's will is to be real in the hearts, minds, attitudes, words and actions with respect to the following truth., First, an effort to strengthen our attitude, then we need to listen to the Word of the Lord Jesus asserts, "If you continue in my word, you truly my disciples and you shall know the truth, and truth will set you free "(John 8:31 b-32). Here the thing to understand is that a spiritual leader, must prove itself as a leader who put God's Word (Psalm 1; 119:105). State of the heart, mind, traits, attitudes, words and actions should be characterized by "the truth of the Word of God." He would always ask, is my heart, my mind, my character, my attitude, my words and my actions in harmony with the Word of God ? All that is in harmony with the Word of God means that we are in truth without sin. Truth is without sin this is the truth that should not be dikompormikan with sin. For example, "My motivation is to seize the leadership position, but I was enveloped with a sly attitude, bercicara sweet, and outsmart the law. Seen from a general perspective, this way can be proud of, and referred to the strategy, but in a spiritual perspective, this is a "fraud." Further, the truth is without sin this is proving a leader in the will of the Lord who gives strength to prove that the leader spiritual being put LORD his God, because he understands that the Word of God requires "Yes" is "Yes," and "No" is "No," which is contrary to this is a sin, such as the Lord GOD, ".... if someone knows how he should do good, but he did not do it, he sins "(James 4:17; 1:26; 3:2-11). Give priority to the will of God here means disregard the will itself, ignoring the will to win themselves, with the goal to let God's will done in righteousness, so that there will be glory to His name (Romans 11:36). Second, the spiritual leader who lives in harmony with the will of God will always be guided by the Holy Spirit. Guidance of the Holy Spirit is the essence of life affirming spiritual leader with the power to live like the Lord Jesus (I John 2:6). Leaders who live like Jesus his Lord will be met and guided the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3: 13-17; 4:1, Mark 1:12-13, Luke 4:1-13, Romans 8:14-16). Spiritual leader who led the Holy Spirit will reveal the character of excellence characterized by "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control" (Galatians 6:22-23; Appeal I Samuel 24:6-8 ; 26:9-11). Third, In doing this, the leader's responsibility is to prove that he really put the will of the Lord by doing righteousness and goodness. Truth and goodness does it always lead to bring glory to the LORD, and profits for many people, which is not always bring benefits to themselves. Greatest example of this truth can be seen from the stance and the Lord Jesus' prayer in Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46, Mark 14:32-42, Luke 22:39-46), where IA letting GOD His Father's will accomplished the marked with the heart, mind, nature, his attitudes and actions that put the will of His Father with alacrity to bear the risk of the will of the Lord that done it. Fourth, the spiritual leader who lives in the truth that characterizes the hearts, minds, traits, attitudes and actions will always be motivated to put the truth to live in truth. Living in the truth will be indicated by doing righteousness, justice, sincerity, honesty is apparent from the heart, mind, traits, attitudes, words and actions that bring peace to one another (Isaiah 32:1-2, 8, 17). In this case, the leader will always try to lead people into the truth with a high willingness to lift and help others with all our hearts (Galatians 6:1-2). Fifth, the spiritual leader who lives in truth and in favor of the will of God, will be lifted to prove the integrity of the self as a servant of the LORD. Evidence that the spiritual leader is the spiritual leader of integrity is that he understands the will of God which is characterized by the heart, mind, nature, attitude and life as well as a righteous act, so he became a blessing to many people in leadership and, more broadly (Ephesians 5:15 -21; I Kings 3:16-28).
1. LEADERSHIP BY STRIVING TO PROVE THAT BIG THING INCLUSIVE. Spiritual leader who put the will of the Lord God by living in truth and goodness, will always fight for great things. Fighting for a big thing here is to free ourselves from the attitude of egoism which tends to push the effort to self-assertion, and the group as well as the tendency to fight for its own sake. Spiritual leader will always be aware of some important truths that must be addressed and lived in a concrete, among other things., First, the spiritual leader is fully alive to the realization that being a leader it is the grace of God (Romans 12:1-2,7; II Corinthians 4 : 1). Leadership for him is the noble work that must be addressed with respect and high responsibility (I Timothy 3:1-7). In this connection, the leader must lead by "voluntary in accordance with the will of God, put the devotion and not for profit, and always lead by example" (I Peter 5:2-3, Hebrews 13:7, 17). Second, these leaders realize that he has a responsibility to always seek the interests of others (Philippians 2:3-4). Put the interests of others means being altruist who always try to lift and strengthen others. Third, spiritual Pemipin who put the interests of others, is part of an effort to fight the great things that bring benefit to many people. State of the heart, mind, traits, attitudes, words and actions of this spiritual leader is the basis for proving the integrity of the self, motivation, willpower and achievements that are recognized by the widest range (Philippians 4:5). Such leaders will prove that "People who live in the truth, that speak honestly, who refused to profit result of extortion, which shook his hand, so do not take bribes, which covered her ears, so do not listen to the blood shedding plan, which closes his eyes, lest see the crime, he is like the people who live safely in high places, is kubuh fortress on a hill a stone; bread supplied drinking water is assured "(Isaiah 33:15-16). Leader who fought the great things really understand the word of Christ her Lord, that "Everything that you want so that people do to you, so do thou also unto them" (Matthew 7:12). Leaders who want to be great, will live to fight for great things for the sake of greater interest. This is the spiritual leader who understands the will of God, faithful to prove themselves by continuing to be a blessing. "
In general, efforts to measure and prove yourself as a spiritual leader will only work if every leader sets out to put the truth of the following:
First, the spiritual leader will be sensitive to continue to put the will of the LORD his God. Putting the will of the Lord here is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand, which he must submit himself to the Holy Spirit to ask His guidance. Pemimin will always try to put forward the truth of the Word of God above the will of her own. Proof that someone was putting the will of God is that the Lord Jesus Christ will continue to be glorified in the life and leadership; even if the leader merungi, loss and undefeated in his decision put the will of God.
Second, the spiritual leader will always try to prove its commitment to enhancing the integrity of himself as a spiritual leader. This proof is based on his willingness to live in harmony Degnan God's Word, the Holy Spirit guided and prove themselves to live like Jesus Lord of his life with majesty signify Christ in and through the heart, mind, nature, attitude words and actions, so there is a recognition that he is pemipin true spiritual.
Third, the spiritual leader to live and devote himself to fight for big things for the glory of his Lord, the good people of his leadership, as well as the environment in which he served. Here, the leader must continue to live in truth, freeing himself by the power of truth from the selfish, and maintain altruistic attitude that brings benefits as well as kindness to as many people it serves. Such leaders are the leaders of thanks, which will continue to bless and enjoy the blessings of life and devotion, leadership was adopting. Congratulations to measure the validity of self as a spiritual leader who lives, devotion, and his death is to bless.
Regards prayer,
Dr. Yakob Tomatala
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