Friday, November 25, 2011

Lead Like Jesus Christ

Leading Like Jesus Christ confirms the leadership of Jesus Christ the great principles that apply universally applicable with tremendous advantages. Leading Like Jesus Christ: the Par-ekselens Leadership is an invention of the Bible Scriptures of "the leadership of Jesus Christ" was incredible, which has proven him to be very effective and efficient. Truth of Jesus Christ Leadership greatness is revealed by Kenneth Blanchard asserts, "Christians have more in Jesus than just a great spiritual leader; We have a practical and effective leadership model for all Organizations, for all people, for all Situations" (The Christian has extraordinary things in Jesus is more than just a great spiritual leader; we have a practical and effective leadership model for all organizations, for all people, and for all situations). His leadership evidence par-ekselens are recorded in the Gospel, which describes about how THEY think, behave and act as a leader, who fought his leadership consistently until the end with a resounding, when HE finally confirmed at the Cross, "It is finished" (John 19:30). Leadership of Jesus Christ who par-ekselens explores the core principles of his leadership embodied by "Leading from the heart; lead based on love, and goodness leads with the power of truth," by which IA prove the superiority of his leadership. The idea of ​​leadership is very rich in Jesus Christ discussed in this paper are limited. However, this paper will be a basic reference that is still open to be developed based on the truth of the Gospel of John, "There are many other things more to be done by Jesus Christ, but if all these things must be written one by one, I suppose that this world can not contain the books that would be written. "Happy wandering with Jesus Christ in his leadership of the par-ekselens. Dr. Yakob Tomatala

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